The morning we did all attend the Xi'an museum of history. As many of you know, China in infamous for their rich history, so the exhibit dated back 6000 years. Much of it was pottery and artifacts that had been buried with people many years ago, but are still in excellent pictures.
The afternoon was left up to us...which meant 2 things...Shopping and Naps. All I can see is that there are a lot of you out there that should be really excited because after we get home you will be getting some pretty cool things. I would tell you what they are, but then I would ruin the surprise.
In the evening we went to something really neat. It was a dinner/show. The dinner was a dumpling dinner. Dumplings are kind like stuffed pasta (typically stuffed with some kind of meat of veggie). I think we counted well over 20 different entrees. And they would shape the dumpling to look just like the animal or vegetable it was stuffed with (i.e. fish, pig, pumpkin, cabbage...) It was all really neat.
And then the show started. The best way I can describe it is that it was kind of a huge collection of the Chinese performing arts through out it's history. Some of the performances were with drums, fifes, symbols, bells etc. Some of them were strictly dancing, some of them were dancing...and others were all of them mixed together. All I can say is that we were all really impressed, and it provided the perfect farewell to such a great historical city.
One funny moment for the day. We walked out from the show to get on the bus, and the bus was broken. They ordered a new bus for us, but while we were all standing around from out of no where about 10 Chinese guys went to the front of the bus and started to push it out toward the road...of course, being Mountaineers, the guys jumped in and within a matter of seconds the bus was jump started and we were headed home. It was hilarious, and a good time.
Just to keep you updated on our schedule...tomorrow morning at 8 we will leave for the airport again and fly to Beijing for our final days in China. I'll let you know when we make it there.

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