Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Back to Business

It was somewhat of a shock for many of us today when we found out our trip was completely a site-seeing vacation (just kidding...sort of!) But today we spent a little more time in a business-type setting. Our day began at a Pudong (a newly developed business area of Shanghai...the area began developement in 1993 but today accounts for over 25% of Shaghai's GDP comes from Pudong) Government facility.

The landscape and the facilities there were really pretty, so we got some good pictures, but besides that we spent 2 hours graced by a host that shared with us how Pudong's growth has come about. They are a force to be reckoned with.

We then went to a lunch that most of us would agree was the best one thus far. I know what most of you must thinking..."did they find a Texas Roadhouse?" And the answer is No! It was a traditional restaurant, but I think we all found something there we could eat.

The afternoon was spent at the Commercial Section at the US Consulate. Once again, we met with a woman who taught us about how they help U.S. companies enter China and what kind of process a company will go through. We then had an interesting experience.

They took us too a store that might be compared to a Wal-Mart so we can compare and contrast the differences. Much of it was the same. It was spread out over several floors, and the products were much cheaper as a whole. The dinner left a little to be desired. We have eaten some good food while here, but many of us had a hard time with this one. On the menu tonight were things like Stomache (from some kind of animal?????) and Jellyfish. Overall it just didn't sit well. It was all definately worth trying it all since we're here only once, but I just wasn't full when I left, and it wasn't because there wasn't enough food.

A Chinese Circus topped off our evening which was absolutely amazing. I'm sure many of you seen the contortionist that are on the PBS specials...? Well, this was just that. Besides bending bodies there were also 8 guys riding motorcycles in a cage...running around like a bunch of monkies on a ferris wheel....dangling in the air by nothing but a rope....launching people from the ground and landing on a balancing chair 75 feet in the air. I would love to show you pictures, but we weren't allowed to take them inside of the theatre, so you'll have to wait to here about all the stories later, but I can tell you that very few times in my life have I been that impressed with the talent and skills a group of people can posses.

I'm sorry...there aren't as many pictures today because we were in meeting quite a bit, but still...enjoy!

Here is a group photo in front of the Government building in Pudong. You can see the awesome architecture and landscape that surrounds us.
Here is a picture of us at the first meal of the day...as you can see we are all loving it an having a good time.
Here are a couple of us at the second meal of the day...and as you can see, half the dishes had been brought out and their plates are still empty.

Here we are getting ready for the presentation on "retail in china".

Like I mentioned...they wouldn't let us take any pictures of us in the circus, but here are two of the people were standing in the lobby.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the blog site. As a parent I am grateful. I actually saw a picure or two of my son and he hates to have his picture taken so thanks again.